Le tout dernier kit de Sylvie (digiscrap.ch) est tout simplement fabuleux ! Moi qui appréhendais un peu de scrapper tout en noir et blanc, au final j'adore !!
Il s'appelle donc Sleepless Night et je vous laisse voir à quoi il ressemble :
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a dit…
Hi! My name is Jaana Säker and i am the owner of Scrapyard.se We are always looking for new designers for our site. I've heard that there is many swedish digiscrappers that are afraid to buy form shops note located in Sweden but they would love to buy products from many designers.
Maybe you want to sell you products at Scrapyard.se also? So your swedish fans can buy it to!
It would have been really fun if you want to sell your products at Scraoyard.se. Please contact me if you are interested. Best regards Jaana Säker, owner of Scrapyard.se - jaana@scrapyard.se
2 commentaires:
Hi! My name is Jaana Säker and i am the owner of Scrapyard.se We are always looking for new designers for our site.
I've heard that there is many swedish digiscrappers that are afraid to buy form shops note located in Sweden
but they would love to buy products from many designers.
Maybe you want to sell you products at Scrapyard.se also? So your swedish fans can buy it to!
It would have been really fun if you want to sell your products at Scraoyard.se. Please contact me if you are interested.
Best regards Jaana Säker, owner of Scrapyard.se - jaana@scrapyard.se
Tu chômes pas et c'est toujours aussi beau !
Merci aussi pour les freebies... j'avais du retard ;)
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